Lapis Lazuli Ethics

The Ethics Of Lapis Lazuli

The Ethics Of Lapis Lazuli

The Ethics Of Lapis Lazuli



Ethics is to me extremely important when dealing in crystals and it should be for everyone from buyer to business.

In this short blog I want to discuss the ethics of Lapis Lazuli and the recent controversy in 2016 onwards, as outlined in the article by Global Witness a non governmental agency that exposes natural resource corruption and is calling for major changes. 

I often get asked where a crystal is sourced from and I do get asked if I have Afghanistan Lapis Lazuli, due to it's quality it is highly sought after. 

The best Lapis Lazuli has always come from Afghanistan where it is has been mined for more than 6000 years . For many years it has been one of the biggest income sources for it's people and country but sadly the market there has become tainted and there is now a massive shortage of Afghanistan Lapis Lazuli and what is available is now heavily inflated in price.

This is the reason I do not offer or want any part in Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan as it goes against everything I represent as a person and a business owner.

Lapis Lazuli can be mined in other areas of the world such as Pakistan and that is where the Lapis Lazuli you see on my website is ethically imported from. Lapis Lazuli can also be found in parts of Russia and Chile.

My thoughts are if everyone stops buying any piece with a reference to Afghanistan or equally if a piece has no origin or a business declines to tell you where they have sourced their Lapis Lazuli from, then eventually there will be no demand whatsoever and will in turn stop the unethical practise going on during these times. 

And we can all hope that one day everything takes a turn for the better and fairer honest mining practise resumes in Afghanistan.

Until next time happy ethical crystal shopping :) 


Emma - The Quirky Pagan x

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